Monthly Archives: July 2012

A Little Concoction


Roof Garden sculpture, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, 2009 @sedsemperamor

I don’t know why I do this to myself…

As promised, here is my bold, ambitious and frankly foolish attempt to answer the question:

“Why poetry?”

Moreover, my inchoate attempts towards a theory of poetry are set against a backdrop of intellectual giants – Aristotle, Shelley, Dante, Eliot, Plato, Coleridge, Kant, Poe. Hmmm…I rely on your good nature, dear reader, to embrace my ideas as endearing ramblings as opposed to embarrassing rubbish. In addition, in my efforts to clarify for myself why poetry matters, I hope to stir within you questions, ideas and arguments that you would wish to share. This is my little concoction rather than my grand design; you are more than welcome to join me in blending the nebulous elixir.

Writing this post actually frightens me. So, why poetry? Firstly, because it is about life – birth, death, love, grief, ambition, joy, fear, jealousy – all of it, all of human existence. It is about everything.

“Poetry is a place where all the fundamental questions are asked about the human condition.” Charles Simic

It is a place to explore the light and darkness in the world and within ourselves, to try to make sense of the contradictions, disappointments and impossibilities of life.

Like all forms of art, poetry unlocks doors to our understanding that intellect and reason alone cannot open. This is because a poem exists on many levels: content, meaning, context, rhyme, form, sound, culture, shape, language, tradition. A poem may (or may not) mean something but it always is. It validates and interrogates existence.

“Poetry is what makes the invisible appear.” Nathalie Sarraute

So simultaneously, a poem holds answers and questions. Opposing forces are bound together in space and time through a shared language. Poetry makes concrete the duality of our existence. Like us, it is everything and nothing.

“If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry” Emily Dickinson

Poetry is the distillation of thought. It is language and consciousness pared to the bone. A poem cuts to the chase. Scratch the surface and another, distinctive surface is revealed. Words are blended, filtered, fermented, stretched to their limit, pulled apart and reconstructed. Dissonant fragments are carefully bound by artistic energy into a coherent whole greater than the sum of its parts.

“Every explicit duality is an implicit unity” Alan Watts

It attempts to express the inexpressible. It is an foolhardy, naive, unending struggle with the inexplicable, the impossible, the incomprehensible, the unspeakable. I love poetry for trying.

“Poetry is what gets lost in translation” Robert Frost

Poetry exposes our vulnerability. It is a tightrope of jeopardy and opportunity. Each word is a liability but it is through vulnerablity that we can achieve intimacy.

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” T.S Eliot

The reader must wrestle alone amongst the mysteries. Whilst connecting us to humanity, poetry is a personal and individual experience. It is a place of frenzied energy and vast stillness. The words of the poem are part of the world and yet are inside all of us.

“You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear through the search.” Rick Riordan

The poet is a magician. Poetry shines a new light upon familiar things. It lends a bewitching sparkle to old and tarnished objects, experiences and ideas; it rejuvenates our mind, our eyes, our ears.

“It is the job of poetry to clean up our word-clogged reality by creating silences around things.” Stephen Mallarme

Its form is a work of art. There is freedom in the constraint of rhythmic forms, unwieldy metres and uncomfortable rhyme.

“Every new poem is like finding a new bride. Words are so erotic, they never tire of their coupling.” Stanley Kunitz

New and unusual patterns are formed as words separate and converge in fresh combinations. The lifeless page is transformed into a dynamic incantation, where the medium is the message, the ephemeral is everlasting and the surface reveals the hidden depths.

“I turned silences and nights into words…I made the whirling world stand still.” Arthur Rimbaud

Portable and accessible,

“Poetry is the shortest distance between two humans.” Lawrence Ferlinghetti

It exists simultaneously in silence and speech. It is practically useless and potentially transformative.

“they [words] hate being useful, that it is their nature not to express one simple statement but a thousand possiblities” Virginia Woolf

To misquote Bill Shankly, some people believe that poetry is a matter of life and death. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that. Poetry matters. It is why I do this to myself.

Like us, it is pointless, confusing, deviant, contradictory, exacting. It is a willingness to inhabit the dust and ashes in an attempt to create something beautiful and eternal from the clay of human existence.  Poetry is

“A little concoction of words against death” Miroslav Holub

Deep Sorriness


Manhattan Skyline 2009 @sedsemperamor

Having struggled to remember my login password, I am shocked and horrified to discover that it has been seven weeks since my last post. Dear reader, I can only apologise.

Please be patient. I am currently working on something. It is bold… ambitious…pretentious…

By way of an apology, I humbly offer you ‘Deep Sorriness Atonement Song’ by Glyn Maxwell via the wonderful :

for missed appointment, BBC North, Manchester

“The man who sold Manhattan for a halfway decent bangle,
He had talks with Adolf Hitler and could see it from his angle,
And he could have signed the Quarrymen but didn’t think they’d make it,
So he bought a cake on Pudding Lane and thought ‘Oh well I’ll bake it’
       But his chances they were slim,
       And his brothers they were Grimm,
       And he’s sorry, very sorry,
       But I’m sorrier than him.
And the drunken plastic surgeon who said ‘I know, let’s enlarge ’em!’
And the bloke who told the Light Brigade ‘Oh what the hell, let’s charge ’em,’
The magician with an early evening gig on the Titanic,
And the mayor who told the people of Atlantis not to panic,
And the Dong about his nose
       And the Pobble re his toes,
       They’re all sorry, really sorry,
       But I’m sorrier than those.
And don’t forget the Bible, with the Sodomites and Judas,
And Onan who discovered something nothing was as rude as,
And anyone who reckoned it was City’s year for Wembley,
And the kid who called Napoleon a shortarse in assembly,
And the man who always smiles
       ’Cause he knows I have his files,
       They’re all sorry, truly sorry,
       But I’m sorrier by miles.
And Robert Falcon Scott who lost the race to a Norwegian,
And anyone who’s ever spilt the pint of a Glaswegian,
Or told a Finn a joke or spent an hour with a Swiss-German,
Or got a mermaid in the sack and found it was a merman,
Or him who smelt a rat,
       And got curious as a cat,
       They’re all sorry, deeply sorry,
       But I’m sorrier than that.
All the people who were rubbish when we needed them to do it,
Whose wires crossed, whose spirit failed, who ballsed it up or blew it,
All notchers of nul points and all who have a problem Houston,
At least they weren’t in Kensington when they should have been at Euston.
For I didn’t build the Wall
       And I didn’t cause the Fall
       But I’m sorry, Lord I’m sorry,
       I’m the sorriest of all.”